Resources for you

Click on the pictures below to explore our collection of curated resources, designed to ensure inclusive support for sexual health among diverse groups.


For Educators and Youth-serving adults

At the core of our mission is collaborating with educator professionals. Discover an extensive range of resources to boost confidence in teaching sex education and engaging in open discussions about sexual health with teens.

For Teens

We've assembled resources for both Iowa teens and teens across the country. Access the right information to become experts in healthy relationships and sexual health for you and your friends.

For Parents & Caregivers

Conversations with your children can be challenging, but we're here to help you feel more at ease. Discover useful tools for discussing healthy relationships and sexual health, suitable for all ages.


For HealthCare Professionals

Our resources, along with our INClued program, assist medical clinics and staff in preparing to support teens, including LGBTQ+ youth. Our goal is to ensure their comfort when accessing medical care.

For Young Parents

Ensuring the well-being of young parents (sometimes referred to as teen parents) and their children is crucial. Explore Iowa-based resources to support you in your important parenting journey.

For Stakeholders

Discover the facts that highlight why sexual health education is vital for Iowa's youth. Explore county-specific information and stats on our Iowa County Data Map.